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I'm Gonna Try It Again

Cosimo's latest album features songs that he wrote himself.

Side A
  1. I'm gonna try it again
  2. Manitoba
  3. Why, oh why me
  4. Nobody but you
  5. I'm beginning to think I love you
  6. I'd do it over again
Side B
  1. Peace of mind
  2. Love only me
  3. That's a NO NO!
  4. Oh get away little girl
  5. You're never too old


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 A word from the producer Art Snider...

"I'm Gonna Try It Again!" was recorded both in Hollywood and Toronto over a period of 2 years.  The rhythm section (except for me) played regularly on the "Dukes of Hazzard" TV series.   The project has been one of the most satisfying musical experiences that I've been associated with.

A word about the star of the album, "Cos". Talk about perseverance! I've been working with this father of eight from Northern Ontario for eighteen years. I know that this album will provide an important milestone in his entertaining career.  Many many times I've heard him moan "I'm Gonna Try It Again" and this album is the "AGAIN!"

All albums available on CD's, Tapes, and Records. You can also click on the song title for a preview and to download and play for only .99 per song!

To get a copy of this album please give us a call at 1-800-361-8595

Small Town Boy This Is It Love Me the Way That I Am I'm Gonna Try It Again Forget About It

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