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Sal Filane Figliomeni

Sal Filane Figliomeni is the sales rep for Filane's Canadian Spring Water in the Toronto and surrounding area.  Sal is also pursuing an acting and singing career. Sal has just returned home from performing on the Disney Cruise ship as well as working on the movie Crime Spree
Sal's latest commercial is for expedia.ca.  He is the character shoveling snow.  Growing up in Schreiber sure did prepare him for this role.



Sal as Fraco Defortunato on the Disney Magic Cruise ship
with his visiting nephews Cosimo J. and Nicholas.

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smallnew.gif (926 bytes)Be sure to check out the latest movie Sal is in, called "Crime Spree"



Spring Water | Sportswear | Records | Novel | Boxing Gym | Motels | Hockey | Family

Filane's Headquarters
P.O. Box 460 ~ Schreiber, Ontario P0T 2S0 ~ Canada
Phone ~ (807) 824-2782 ~ Fax (807) 824-2755 ~