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Gerry & Karen Figliomeni

Gerry hung up his boxing gloves not long after the birth of his first child.  Now he keeps busy raising his three children with his wife Karen.  Diana is a true princess who loves figure skating and dance class.  However, we did get her to suit up in hockey gear for her Grampa's team Filane's Flyers.  Cosimo is a die-hard Montreal Canadians fan and a superhero junkie, and Raoul is a busy toddler who seems to be following in his brother's footsteps with his passion for hockey and superheroes.






Spring Water | Sportswear | Records | Novel | Boxing Gym | Motels | Hockey | Family

Filane's Headquarters
P.O. Box 460 ~ Schreiber, Ontario P0T 2S0 ~ Canada
Phone ~ (807) 824-2782 ~ Fax (807) 824-2755 ~