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Domenic & Kimberley Filane
Dom and Kim are residing in Schreiber raising their family of two boys Cosimo and Nicholas.

Dom is busy running the day to day operations of Hollywood Filane Sportswear and the Filane Boxing Team.

Kim is now a part time Sr. Kindergarden teacher at Holy Angels School, as well as helping out in the store.


Cosimo J. and Nicholas are two busy boys.  They have been spending their time boxing in Dad's gym as well as playing hockey on the Filane's Flyers.  They also had a great time visiting their uncle Sal on the Disney Magic cruise ship where they met Mickey and Miney Mouse.
Cosimo was also honored with being crowned this years Schreiber Winter Carnival Prince.  He is pictured here with his cousin Diana the Carnival Princess.


Spring Water | Sportswear | Records | Novel | Boxing Gym | Motels | Hockey | Family

Filane's Headquarters
P.O. Box 460 ~ Schreiber, Ontario P0T 2S0 ~ Canada
Phone ~ (807) 824-2782 ~ Fax (807) 824-2755 ~